Compare Children's Football Parties in Chippenham

Compare the services, benefits, durations and costs offered by different companies that organise children’s football parties in Chippenham or Bristoland Swindon to know how FSS stands out. We make sure our package lives up to its name and experience as professional soccer trainers. See the chart below.

*For Comparison purposes only. lnformation taken from company websites. Please contact provider directly for a quote.

CompanyParty DurationNumber of ChildrenCoachesNumber of inflatablesExtrasVenue booking service?Venue included?Cost
Soccer shooters1hourUp to 2420Medals and TrophyYesNo£195
Football fun factory90 mins15 ( can do more but extra coach cost of £35 )13Medals and TrophyNoNo£250
Bubble soccer world90 mins24110 bubblesPrizesYesYes£350
Laser quest60 mins24N/AN/AUnlimited drinks, party bags, gift voucherN/AYes£432
FIRST STEPS SOCCER70 mins play, 15 minutes prizes and photosUp to 2433 + speed gun + mini tournamentTrophy and certificates for attendanceYesNo£195